First Stage of Demon Oppression
There are distinct stages to the process of demon possession. The first stage is demonic oppression. In this stage, the demon is not physically present within the person’s body. However, it can still project thoughts and emotions. If the person accepts these foreign influences as their own, then the demonic oppression stage has begun.
Without logical self-checks on our thoughts and emotions, the road to demon possession can seem invisible. The person believes that all their thoughts and feelings are their own, when in reality, a dark spiritual force may be at work.
Spiritual curiosity intensifies demon influences, leading people to engage in practices like spirit channeling, using Ouija boards, or summoning spirits through chants. These activities open the door to dark spiritual influences that can ultimately lead to full-blown possession.
Second Stage Is Partial Demon Possession
Partial demon possession can manifest in various ways, each with its own set of symptoms. Individuals may find themselves plagued by nightmares, experiencing confusing and unrelated thoughts, struggling with lack of sleep, or even facing a loss of appetite. Moreover, those affected may withdraw from their usual social circles, isolating themselves from family and friends.
When these symptoms combine, it can be a clear indication that the individual is grappling with partial demon possession. Recognizing these signs and seeking appropriate help and intervention is crucial to address the situation effectively.
Whether from a psychologist or an exorcist, seeking assistance can provide clarity and guidance in navigating these complex and often unsettling experiences. Don’t hesitate to seek help when faced with such challenges—your well-being is worth prioritizing.
Total Demon Possession
While total demon possession involves the complete loss of control of body and soul, partial possession is no less sinister. The host lives with a demon inside them, trapped in a world created by these malevolent entities.
Healing from partial demon possession is an immensely challenging journey. The struggle to reclaim one’s body and soul from the clutches of such darkness is spiritually dangerous and requires unwavering determination and a team of exorcists.
Mental Illness or Demon Possession?
Attempting to navigate these challenges alone can be overwhelming and potentially dangerous for the host and those around them. By seeking guidance from qualified mental health professionals, the host can begin to unravel the complexities of their condition and work towards regaining a sense of control and self-acceptance.
When faced with the question of mental illness versus demon possession, it’s crucial to understand the fine line that separates the two. The symptoms may often seem similar, blurring the distinction between them.
In cases where medication prescribed by a medical professional stabilizes the individual, it is likely a manifestation of mental illness. However, if traditional treatments fail to alleviate the condition, one might consider exploring the possibility of demon possession.
In such instances, seeking help from a reputable exorcist specializing in spiritual matters could be beneficial. It’s important to acknowledge that this process can be lengthy and challenging as it aims to weaken and ultimately expel the entity causing distress.
80 FAQS About Demons

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Physical Body of the Host#hosts-physical-Body
General Questions about Demons
Spirit Channeling Is Dangerous
My qualifications to answer these questions
Physical Body of Host
Can demons change the host’s skin?
Demons can make the host desire to cut or scratch their body.
2. Can a demon murder the host?
No, a demon cannot murder the host by using a knife or sharp objects. They are not
No, a demon cannot murder the host by using a knife or sharp objects. They are not capable of picking up a physical object. They are spirits and have no physical body.
3. Can a demon get into the blood?
Yes, generational demons are passed in the blood from generations of the same family.
4. What is a generational demon?
Generational demons will stay with the blood of all generations until they are cast out by an exorcist.
5. Why do demons get pleasure from the sight of blood?
The sight, smell, and feeling of the blood make them stronger. Blood is also sacrificed to invite more demons into the host.
6. Can a demon kill through communication with the host?
Demons can kill the host by tormenting it through through injection or telepathy. The host becomes so insane that the person will commit suicide to have mental peace of mind.
7. How do demons affect sleep?
The demon has easier access to the host when asleep. The demon will give terrifying nightmares. The host will be afraid to sleep, weakening their body and making them less able to fight spiritually.
8. How do the demons keep their host from eating?
The host becomes so fearful and nervous that there is no appetite.
9. Can a demon control body movements?
Yes, demons can control the hands (for example, Ouija Board and Automatic Handwriting), move the head, and use the host’s voice.
10. Can a demon talk to the host?
Yes, the host needs to go neutral and not think of their thoughts. The demon can use the voice as a way of communication.
11. Can the demon talk to the person anytime in a social setting
Yes, the person must always think before they speak. It takes practice to know if the demon desires to speak. The host can practice controlling their speech.
12. Can a demon force the person to talk to themselves?
Yes, when people are possessed, they will talk to themselves and not care if anyone hears them. This can take some time for the demon to get deeper into total possession.
13. How does a demon get a person to scratch themselves?
The demon can place an intense desire in the person to scratch or abuse themselves.
14. Why do demons want the host to cut themselves?
Demons and Sex
15. Why Do Demons Desire Sex?
All demons desire sex. A part of their goal is to get pleasure from sex with the host’s physical body.
16. Can you summon a demon through pornography?
Yes, if you intensely watch TV, videos, or pornography magazines. Demons will be summoned to get an invitation to communicate. The demons lie to say that they are a fantasy sex lover.
17. What is an incubus?
An incubus is the historical name given to male sex demons. All demons love sex and take on this name as a function.
18. What is a succubus?
A succubus is a female sex demon. The current thinking is that all demons are male.
19. Can demons intensify the sexual desire in the host?
Yes, demons can intensify the desire for sex. They can torture the host with strong sexual desires at all times in daily life.
20. How Do demons have sex?
Demons have sex because they can feel all the physical sensations of the host masturbating until the climax.
21. Can a demon make a woman pregnant?
No, a demon does not have a body. However, a demon can force the feeling of being pregnant. The demon may tell the woman that she is having a spiritual baby.
22. Can the host feel the touch of a demon during demon sex?
Yes, demons can make the host feel a slight touch of the demon. Demons have no physical bodies but can make the host feel a slight touch through telepathy. The sight touch is not as strong as a physical touch.
23. Can demons rape a person?
Yes, a demon can rape a person by lucid dreams.
25. Can a person attract a demon by fantasizing about a beautiful lover?
Yes, if the person has an intense desire for this lover.
26. Can a person get a demon by casual sex?
Yes, if you know very little about the sex partner, demons might be transmitted through body fluids.
Is Demon Possession Real?
27. What is demon oppression?
Demon oppression occurs when a demon is on the outside of a person. The spirit attempts to lure the person into an invitation to communicate. The person will feel like a dark cloud of evil surrounds them. The person may be sad for no reason, feel jittery, or have intense emotions that they have never had before.
28. What is stage one of demon possession?
Stage one is when the person has invited the demon in through channeling or a passionate desire that the person has. The demon will lie and pretend to be anything the person wants them to be. The demon will entertain the person and have conversations with the host through thoughts in the person’s mind. In stage one, the person can still live their normal life. Friends and loved ones will note that the person is a little weird, but no one thinks anything about the behavior.
29. What is partial possession?
Stage two of the possession process is when the demon penetrates the host’s mind and body further, now talking through the host’s voice and conversing with them. The demon wants sex more often. The host wants to spend all their time with the demon. The host is kept in social isolation.
Eventually, the host finds they are losing control of their mind and body. Intense fear comes to the host. The demon tells the host that all is lost and that the demon will control them for the rest of their lives.
30. What is total possession?
The demons take total control of the person. The person cannot take care of themselves. The hosts talk to themselves in and out of social situations. The only hope is to take the person to an exorcist and a psychiatrist who knows about the spirits. If not, the person is lost forever in their world.
31. Can a possessed person lead a normal life?
Yes, a person who is oppressed or partially possessed can attempt to lead a normal life. The host may fool loved ones and friends, but the demonic thoughts come steadily, The host still has control to behave normally.
32. Can a host communicate with the demon using the host’s voice?
Yes, the host can talk to the demon using their voice, and the demon can answer by slightly deepening the host’s voice.
33. Can the demon communicate in other ways in a social setting?
The demon will still send thoughts when the host is in a social setting. The host may have the control to ignore the thoughts. The demons will try another way to communicate by moving the host’s finger to form letters for words. Channeling is dangerous. Working the board will only bring demons.
Exorcism and Deliverance
Exorcism is the act of casting out a demon. After the demon is cast out, deliverance shows the person how to live free.
34. What must the host do to make the exorcism effective?
Exorcisms are effective, but they might take time. The host must renounce the demon, tell it to leave and never return, and renounce the invitation that gave the demon the spiritual authority to enter. For example, if they channeled to get the demon in, the host must never channel again.
The host must be willing to confess all their secret behaviors, such as viewing pornography, and never doing that again. The host must earnestly desire the exorcism no matter how embarrassing the secrets.
35. What does the exorcist first do to make the exorcism effective?
The exorcist must pray for spiritual protection from God and the angels. They must have very strong faith in the name and power of Jesus Christ.
36. Why does the exorcist need to lead a clean life?
The exorcist calls the demon to manifest through the host. The exorcist must be living a clean life with no secrets. The demon can speak the exorcist’s secret sins in front of the exorcism team.
37. How does the exorcist talk to the demon?
The exorcist commands the demon to tell its function and the host to invite it to enter the host. The exorcist must never have a conversation with the demon that does not involve the current exorcism.
38. How does the demon react?
The demon curses, screams, and sometimes tries to spit at the exorcist. The exorcist must maintain control of the demon by invoking the name of Jesus Christ.
39. Can the demon hurt the exorcist?
No, the demon cannot physically hurt the exorcist. The exorcist is under the spiritual protection of Jesus Christ and all His angels. When the exorcist gets hurt or killed by the demon on TV and in movies, that is entertainment and fantasy.
40. How long does it take to perform an exorcism?
The time of completion of the exorcism depends on how many invitations the host gives the demon. There are secrets the host might try to hide from the exorcist. It takes time to discover all the host’s secrets.
41. Can an exorcist act alone?
The exorcist should have a team of deliverance people to support the exorcist with prayer and their spiritual discernment. The team can discern something the exorcist needs to know about the demon or the host. Exorcisms should not be done with only one exorcist.
42. Do you need a priest to perform an exorcism?
No, there are a few Protestant churches that have exorcism teams. These churches train people to become exorcists.
43. Can anyone cast out a demon?
No, you must be anointed and called by God to be an exorcist. A person who tries this alone puts themselves in spiritual danger.
44. Can angels help in an exorcism?
Yes, the exorcist can call the angels to help in an exorcism. Usually, they keep the host in the chair and stop the demon from screaming.
45. Why is it so difficult to find an exorcist?
Christian churches do not want exorcisms in their place of worship. Many churches do not want to deal with demons.
What is a Spiritual Battle?
46. How the host must fight to retain thought control from the demon?
The host must stop the thoughts the demon gives by replacing them with a positive thought. Every time, even hundreds of times a day.
47. How does the host stop the demon from using their voice?
The host must always think before talking. The host can stop the demon from talking. This takes practice every day until the host slowly gains total control.
48. How does the host stay spiritually protected?
Pray to God in the name of Jesus. Read and memorize scriptures that are most meaningful to the host.
49. What happens when the host sleeps?
Sleeping makes the control diminished. Meditate on prayer and scriptures before sleep. Ask the angels to wake the host if a demonic dream is in progress. Then, more prayer and meditation on scriptures.
This fight must proceed until the demon is weak enough to be gone from the presence of the host.
50. Why does the demon attempt to re-enter the host?
Once the demon is cast out, it will remain around the host in the form of oppression. This is a test the demon will try to re-enter the host. The host must remain firm in the faith that the demon is no longer inside him. The demon can return if the host does not believe the exorcism happened.
51. Why does the exorcism take two- the host and the exorcist?
Both have to participate to complete the exorcism. The exorcist cannot do anything without the host’s permission, and the host must always be on alert for the demon attempting to return.
General Questions about Demons
Throughout the years, people have still many questions about demons. This last section contains the repeated questions submitted to my website.
52. Are demons real?
Yes, demons are real. They cannot be measured by science. Demons are spiritual and can only be measured by their behavior.
53. Do demons have personal names?
No demons do not have personal names, but they name themselves by function. For example, if the person desires to communicate with a deceased loved one, the demon’s name will be the loved one’s. If the host desires a sex demon, then the name will be incubus or succubus.
54. Can demons materialize into humans.?
No, the demons cannot materialize into humans. They are spirits with no physical body.
55. Are all demons bad?
Demons are purely evil.
56. Can demons repent and be good?
No demons will never repent and be good.
57. Can demons stay until the host dies?
Yes, the demon can stay for the lifetime of the host. The demons will leave only when cast out by an exorcist.
58. Can a demon murder a person?
No, a demon cannot murder a person. Unlike the movies and TV, demons do not throw knives and sharp objects to kill their host.
59. Can a demon cause the host to commit suicide?
Yes, the demon can make the host so horrified by thought injection and nightmares,. The host feels there is no hope to regain their freedom.
60. Should a person fear demons?
A person should never fear demons. Demon gets stronger when fear is present.
61. Why do demons want to possess people?
Demons are comfortable inside a human body. They call the human body their home.
62. Can a mental health professional help a demon-possessed person?
There are a few mental health professionals that know about the effects of demons. Most of the time, they do not believe in demons. The mental health professionals will over-prescribe medications that result in the hosts being too drugged to fight a spiritual battle. The medications can help soothe the mind if not too potent.
63. How can a friend or loved one help a demon-possessed person?
The possessed person needs support. Help them eat balanced meals and sleep for a normal time. Tell them you will help them find a mental health professional. If the medications do not help, then find an exorcist.
The possessed person may not agree to the help. No one can force a possessed person to seek help, and the exorcism will not work without the host’s approval.
64. If you don’t believe in demons, will that keep the demon away?
All people have the common grace of God that protects them if they believe in demons or not. The people are safe if they do not invite a spirit to communicate.
65. Why does God permit a person to be possessed?
God never forces a person’s free choice. If a person crosses the spiritual line, then God does not interfere. God will permit an exorcism if the possessed person requests one.
76. Where do demons live on earth?
Demons roam the earth until they find a human body to inhabit.
67. Is there anything fun in having a demon?
Sometimes, demons will pretend to be fun. An example is having a sex demon. The host may have fun at first until the demon begins the possession process.
68. Why are most people afraid to admit they have a demon?
People fear being called weird, strange, crazy, or just their imagination. These names hurt the host because the host knows no one will believe them.
69. Can a possessed person lead a normal life?
An oppressed or partially possessed person can still lead a normal life. The person still has the majority of control over demonic thoughts, and they can still stop the demon from speaking and moving their body.
70. How do you know if you have a demon?
If you invite a demon in for communication, then you will be in the stages of demon possession
72. How do most mental health professionals deal with the demon-possessed?
The majority of mental health professionals do not believe in demons. They will give strong medications that make the host unable to do spiritual warfare. If the medications do not help, the next step should be an exorcist.
73. Can you have sex with a ghost?
No, no one can have sex with ghosts. Ghosts have no bodies and want to be left alone. The spirit is a demon and not a ghost.
74. Can demons jump from one person to another?
Demons must be invited in by the person. They cannot arbitrarily jump from person to person.
75. Do negative emotions invite demons?
Yes, extreme negative emotions can invite demons. Forgiveness for the hurt will keep a demon away.
76. How do demons affect the family of the host?
The family and friends become anxious because the host is not behaving normally. The family becomes more anxious every day
77. Why do demons hate people?
Demons hate people because they hate human life. Demons do not want people to be comfortable and have a physical body because all they can do is wander on Earth or be sent to hell.
78. How does a demon talk to its host?
A demon can communicate thoughts using the host’s voice, channeling tools, automatic handwriting, and more.
79. How many demons can live in a person?
Usually, there is more than one. Sometimes, there are legions (thousands)
80. When can the host talk to their family and friends about their demons?
The host must be careful about who he tells about the demon. The person must be spiritually sensitive. The host risks being called weird, crazy, and seriously mentally ill.
Additional FAQs About Demons
Why Is Spirit Channeling Dangerous?
81. Why is the Ouija Board Dangerous?
The Ouija Board is sold as a toy. Many people think the toy is harmless—just a game. The Board is the easiest way to summon a demon. Put fingers on the planchette and watch them move to the letters on the board. The invitation to communicate gives the demon a right to begin the possession process. The demon pretends to be a deceased loved one or whoever the host desires.
82. Why is Automatic Handwriting Dangerous?
Automatic handwriting occurs when a person holds a pen on a blank paper and requests the spirit (demon) to use their hands to write messages. The demon moves the host’s hands.
83. Why is spellcasting dangerous?
Casting spells are usually done by witches at the request of a person who desires to force a victim to bend to their request. There is no other spirit that wants control over a person. Three people are involved: the witch, the person requesting the spell, and the victim. All are at the risk of becoming demon-possessed.
Many more channeling tools entice a person to pursue the spirits. The problem is that all the spirits are demons, and demons are purely evil.
My qualifications to answer these questions

As a teenager, I was very spiritually curious. I was waiting to begin my first year in college, and I thought all the spirits were good. The Ouija Board is the channeling tool used to contact the demon. It took four years to get the demon out of me completely. This was a terrifying trip to hell.
About ten years after the exorcism, I desired to help others who are enduring demon-possession. I trained at a Christian church and became a lead exorcist with an exorcism team for support. I worked as an exorcist for twelve years.
Professional education can help a person understand demons to a certain extent. Unfortunately, intellectual knowledge is limited. Personal experience gave me the answer to all these questions.
I will be adding more questions and answers in the future. There is still more to write. Readers, stay spiritually safe. Do not play with the spirits.

What motivates demons to harm humans?
As depicted in various mythologies and belief systems, demons are often viewed as malevolent entities driven by pure evil. Their motivation to harm humans stems from their inherent nature of hatred towards all living things.
Why are demons restricted in their actions on Earth?
The requirement for demons to receive an invitation before entering someone’s body is rooted in spiritual rules. This safeguard prevents widespread possession and ensures that individuals must willingly allow demonic influence into their lives.
Is there a specific reason why demons require an invitation to enter someone’s body?
The requirement for demons to receive an invitation before entering someone’s body is rooted in spiritual rules. This safeguard prevents widespread possession and ensures that individuals must willingly allow demonic influence into their lives.
Can rituals or chants amplify the power of summoning demons?
A chanting ritual is an invitation to speed up the possession process.
How can individuals protect themselves from negative influences or demonic presence?
To protect themselves from negative influences or demonic presence, individuals are advised to refrain from engaging with occult tools like Ouija Boards or participating in spiritual seances. Avoiding these practices can reduce the risk of inviting unwanted supernatural entities into their lives.
Positive thinking and spiritual practices are crucial in countering negative influences or demonic thoughts. Demons thrive on negativity and cannot operate effectively in a positive environment. By focusing on positivity and embracing spiritual practices that promote light and goodness, individuals can shield themselves from malevolent forces seeking to sow discord and chaos.