20 Years After Exorcism-Sad Disappointment

  20 years after exorcism, the demon influences the body from the outside. There are still fragments of the demon operating in thoughts and emotions. Not constantly interrupting my thoughts but still there. Not as powerful, but still there. Disappointment- Exorcism…

10 Ways To Stop Terror and Fearful Demonic Thoughts

demon possession

Demonic thoughts are negative, life-destroying to the host. Control of your demons is possible. The mental battle begins with control. Do you have a demon? Check out this page to examine if you have any demon-influenced thoughts and behaviors. Demons…

Do You Have a Demon?

25 demon secrets

Do you have a demon? Demons are real, and they’re all around you. Demons are spiritual entities that try to enter our world by inhabiting the bodies of humans and causing chaos. They’re fierce and can be terrifying to encounter.…

Demon Possession-Ouija Board Experience

Ouija board

Demon Possession was not what I wondered; however, I wondered how the Ouija Board worked. As a young woman, I was deeply fascinated by the spiritual realm, always seeking to explore the unknown. It was this curiosity that led me…

How To Stop Demonic Lucid Dreams

Demonic Lucid Dreams-Spiritual Aspect While scientists can measure the physical signs of dreaming through brain waves and other physiological indicators, the spiritual dimension of dreams remains largely uncharted territory. However, we must address a darker side to the dream state…

Cast Demons Out of Yourself


Cast demons out of yourself is for non-Christians and is not a guarantee of self-exorcism. There is a possible chance to get free or weaken the demon’s control. Cast Demons Out of Yourself- Fight for the Mind Self-exorcism is an…

How To Help a Demon Possessed Person

Know how to help a demon possessed person. The person needs all the support you can give. The first step is to look for changes in behavior that could indicate demonic possession. Observe if the person has transitioned from being…

Side-Effects Of Demon Possession

Side effects Demon possession is a terrifying prospect, one that can inflict severe physical and emotional side effects that can haunt a person for a lifetime. When a demonic entity invades the human mind and body, it creates an unnatural,…

Blood of Jesus Forces the Demons to Leave

exorcism and deliverance

Blood of Jesus Can Free People From Demons The blood of Jesus Christ is active and still freeing people from demons.  How do I know this?  I am free from a demon by claiming His blood.  Yes, I know other…

Demon Possession-Three Levels

incubus and succubus

Demon possession has three levels. The first level is the most common and can be difficult to detect. This type of possession is hard for others to see, but it’s easy for demons to control their host. Demons use this…

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