It is a sobering reality that our minds are not always our own. Demonic entities seek to infiltrate our psyche, subtly manipulating our perceptions and decision-making. Without the ability to step back and objectively analyze our internal processes, we become vulnerable to these evil influences.
There is no single, agreed-upon definition of a demon. Still, demons are often classified as “fallen angels” or “spirits who have gone astray.” The term “demon” has been used to describe a wide range of malevolent entities, from evil spirits to the devil himself. The historical record is clear—accounts of demonic possession and influence date back to ancient cultures.
Contrary to popular belief, demons are not mere mythological creatures. They are genuine, and their existence has been documented throughout history across various cultures. While no single, agreed-upon definition of a demon exists, they are often classified as evil supernatural beings, sometimes called “fallen angels” or “spirits who have gone astray.”
Check Thoughts and Emotions
Without logical self-checks on our thoughts and emotions, the road to demon possession can seem invisible. The person believes that all their thoughts and feelings are their own, when in reality, a dark spiritual force may be at work.
There are distinct stages to the process of demon possession. The first stage is demonic oppression. In this stage, the demon is not physically present within the person’s body. However, it can still project thoughts and emotions. If the person accepts these foreign influences as their own, then the demonic oppression stage has begun.
Spiritual curiosity intensifies demon influences, leading people to engage in practices like spirit channeling, using Ouija boards, or summoning spirits through chants. These activities open the door to dark spiritual influences that can ultimately lead to full-blown possession.
Without logical self-checks on our thoughts and emotions, the road to demon possession can seem invisible. The person believes that all their thoughts and feelings are their own, when in reality, a dark spiritual force may be at work.
Channeling Spirits Is an Invitation

There are distinct stages to the process of demon possession. The first stage is demonic oppression. In this stage, the demon is not physically present within the person’s body. However, it can still project thoughts and emotions. If the person accepts these foreign influences as their own, then the demonic oppression stage has begun.
Spiritual curiosity is often intensified by demonic forces, leading people to engage in practices like spirit channeling, using Ouija boards, or summoning spirits through chants. These activities and many others open the door to dark spiritual influences that can ultimately lead to full-blown possession.
Demon Terror Unfolds
This deceptive facade only serves to mask the true horror unfolding within. As the demons gain a foothold, their influence over the host’s mind and body becomes more pronounced, slowly eroding their free will and autonomy. The host may experience intrusive thoughts, irrational impulses, and a growing disconnect from their true self. As the host’s sense of identity becomes increasingly fragmented, they may find themselves grappling with disturbing thoughts and urges that feel entirely foreign to their core values and beliefs. This internal conflict can be profoundly unsettling, alienating the host from their mind and actions. It is crucial to seek professional help in such circumstances, as these experiences can be indicative of deeper psychological issues that require specialized care and support. Attempting to navigate these challenges alone can be overwhelming and potentially dangerous for the host and those around them. By seeking guidance from qualified mental health professionals, the host can begin to unravel the complexities of their condition and work towards regaining a sense of control and self-acceptance. Through therapy and, if necessary, medication, they can learn coping strategies to manage intrusive thoughts and impulses.
Relief From Demons?
Therapy may provide temporary relief, helping to calm the outward manifestations of the demonic behaviors. However, the demon itself will not be cast out through such methods. This can lead to a dangerous situation where the person is medicated to the point of diminished control, leaving them vulnerable to the demon’s continued influence.
It is crucial to understand that the battle against demonic possession cannot be won through purely psychological or pharmaceutical means. The spiritual dimension must be addressed, requiring specialized intervention and the invocation of divine power to expel the dark entity that has taken root. Only then can the individual regain true autonomy and freedom from the terrifying grip of the demon.
Demons Do Not Have Names
Demons do not have personal names.
The historical names and ranks associated with demons cannot be taken at face value, as demons themselves likely granted these to further their agenda. How can we truly know the identity and power of a demonic entity when they are masters of deception? They can easily impersonate any persona or title that aligns with their host’s desires, making it nearly impossible to discern their true nature.
Many years later, I trained as an exorcist and worked with several churches. Twelve years of helping people influenced by demons.
This website and my YouTube channel are taken directly from my personal experience and the experiences of others.
FAQS- Demon Possession Myth or Misconception
Why do demons want to hurt humans, and if they are so powerful, why don’t they just hurt us at will?
Demons would love more power here on Earth, but they are restricted. They can only enter the body if someone invites them, such as through Ouija Boards or any form of spirit channeling.
Can demons be summoned by chanting their names, or does the summoning need a ritual?
Chanting an evil spirit’s name and doing a ritual will summon these spirits. These activities are an invitation to communicate.
How do I get rid of the demons in my head that keep painting negative pictures of everyone and everything?
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FAQS About Demons
Why do demons want to hurt humans, and if they are so powerful, why don’t they just hurt us at will?
Demons would love to have more power here on Earth, but they are restricted. They can only enter the body if someone invites them in-examples include Ouija Boards or any form of spirit channeling.
Can demons be summoned by chanting their names or does the summoning need a ritual?
Chanting an evil spirit’s name and doing a ritual will summon these spirits. These activities are an invitation to communicate.
How do I get rid of the demons in my head that keep painting negative pictures of everyone and everything?
A spiritual battle needs to be done in your mind. Replace the negative pictures and thoughts with positive pictures and thoughts. If you are a Christian, replace the negative with scripture.
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