Demons and Blood

demons and blood

The relationship between demons and blood is a dark and unsettling one. Contrary to popular belief, the demonic possession process is not mere fantasy – it is a terrifying reality that can have devastating consequences.

Demons interacting with blood can channel their power and influence in alarming ways. Through blood sacrifices, acts of violence, and even self-harm, demons can gain a foothold in the lives of their victims, sharing in the twisted pleasure that these activities bring. The dark power that demons can wield through blood is genuinely unsettling. By manipulating the life force within, they can forge insidious connections and exert malign influence over their victims’ minds and souls.

Every Drop of Blood Makes the Evil Spirits Stronger

The connection between demons and blood is powerful and deeply rooted in life’s essence. Blood is not just a fluid coursing through our veins; it is the life force of all living creatures. This vital substance is a potent source of energy and strength for demons. When demons feed upon blood, they not only satisfy their primal cravings but also absorb the life force that empowers them, making them significantly more potent.

Blood sacrifices have been a common practice in various cultures throughout history to summon demons and enhance their power. These rituals often aimed to achieve specific goals for the channelor—whether it be wealth, knowledge, or revenge. Offering blood symbolizes a deep connection between the mortal realm and the supernatural, creating an exchange that bolsters demonic strength.

Reasons Demons Delight in Blood

As unsettling as it may seem, this relationship illustrates why demons are drawn to blood: it fuels their existence and amplifies their abilities. Understanding this dynamic sheds light on why such rituals have persisted throughout time; they tap into an ancient belief that by offering blood, one could harness demonic power for personal gain or influence over others. Blood makes demons powerful because it encapsulates life—an irresistible lure for those who dwell in darkness.

Every drop of spilled blood becomes a conduit for their malevolent will, allowing them to feed on the anguish and depravity they cultivate. Those ensnared in the demons’ grasp find themselves drawn deeper into a downward spiral of depravity, their thoughts and actions increasingly twisted by the demons’ whisperings.

What began as a morbid curiosity or a fleeting dark impulse can swiftly escalate into obsession and unspeakable acts of cruelty, all to sate the demons’ ravenous hunger for suffering. The demons revel in every scream, every act of violence perpetrated by those under their sway, reveling in the anguish they have sown. Only by resisting their vile temptations and reclaiming one’s inner light can their foul taint be purged from mind, body, and spirit.

Generational Bloodline Demons

The concept of “generational family bloodline demons” is particularly chilling. Imagine a dark force lurking in your ancestry, silently waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. They subconsciously influence and manipulate their hosts, shaping their thoughts and actions without anyone realizing it.

You might be dealing with strange patterns or behaviors that seem to run in the family. Maybe it’s an unexplained fear, a tendency toward certain vices, or even recurring bad luck. It makes you wonder if there’s something more sinister at play.

They burrow deep within the psyche, weaving intricate webs of influence that ensnare their victims throughout lifetimes. Even the strongest-willed individuals are susceptible to their machinations, as the demons patiently bide their time, gradually eroding defenses until total domination is achieved. Like cancer, they metastasize through bloodlines, corrupting the very essence of families.

Demons Get Pleasure in Blood

Demons and blood interact with channeling to produce mighty demons. In the possession process, demons begin to share with the host the pleasure that they receive from blood.   Demons and blood are most potent in blood sacrifices or activities that involve blood, like murder, suicide, torture and self-abuse, and abuse of animals and other people.    An example is the practice of “cutting.”  The person cuts parts of their body to relieve the tension or guilt in their life or maybe because a demon desires the activity.  “Cutting” may have psychological factors, but there is a thin line between psychology and the demonic.

TV and movies always include many blood scenes in programs about the demonic.  Don’t laugh and joke at these demonic activities.  Much of the sinister activities shown for entertainment are true.  What has usually been included in these entertainment programs?

 Top 7 Demons and Blood Loving Activities

  1. Blood in Suicide: The concept of demons desiring blood in the context of suicide is a haunting metaphor that speaks to the darker aspects of mental anguish. In many narratives, these demons symbolize the overwhelming despair and relentless torment that can lead an individual to consider taking their own life. Understanding that these entities thrive on our vulnerabilities, feeding off our pain and despair, is crucial.
  2. Blood in Death: When you see blood, it stirs up all sorts of feelings—fear, sadness, and even a sense of urgency. It makes you confront your mortality and reflect on how precious life is. In stories or films, when the blood appears during a death scene, it hits harder because it reminds us that every heartbeat could be our last.
  3. Blood in Torture: When we talk about torture, it’s hard to ignore the chilling reality that it often involves bloodshed. Torture is a demon’s delight, feeding off the pain and suffering of another living creature. The sight of someone in torment, gripped by fear, only amplifies the strength of these dark forces. It’s as if every drop of blood spilled adds to their power, making them even more terrifying.
  4. Blood in the Cutting of the Physical Body:
  5. blood in killing
  6. blood in tortuous nightmares
  7. Blood Rituals

Readers, heed this warning. Be vigilant for the warning signs of demonic influence in your loved ones and friends. If you suspect that someone is being possessed, do not hesitate to seek spiritual help through exorcism or self-deliverance. The stakes are too high to ignore the chilling reality of demons and blood.


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  1. Very interesting blog, I really like it. People dont know all these things that play an important role in our life.

  2. Thank you for your comment. I will continue to post new information about demons because demons (spirits) are very dangerous.

  3. I read all this out of curiosity and fascination, I`m agnostic (not atheistic). I wonder how you would tell the difference between demonic Possession and the possibility that a Person is just into all that stuff out of his/her own personality.

    I ask because I`m sexually and emotionally attracted to blood, death, cannibalism, and corpses, also to all dark myths representing the spiritual beliefs associated with the carnal motives, and I`m also interested in esoteric issues for no other reason than morbid fascination. I do NOT perceive my fantasies as something demonic outside of me, but rather like a part of my own personality, although it has disturbed, negatively influenced my normal life and has caused me much Trouble because it is as thought-demanding and sometimes even as destructive as any demon could be. But on the other Hand it makes me feel my true self and is a source of positive energy which is always neglected by psychologists. Therapy never helped me because it ended in discussions and debates. I don`t feel like wanting an exorcism on me even if someone proved me demons existed. If People suggest me “help”, spiritually or psychologically, I easily feel attacked and have even isolated myself more and more due to that, although it increases my loneliness. I have no psychosis issues. These thoughts about suicide, I have them, too, but not in a negative manner like most People with suicide issues. I enjoy to daydream my own death and preparations for it like a festivity, not out of Depression or a bad life. Oh, and I`m a good-hearted and nice Person in real life, although I sometimes can get “out of my mind”, so I`m not someone stupid who thinks evil is cool or so. I imagine demons just for my personal pleasure, it is not evil, it is just a Fantasy. I have hostile imaginations towards humans as well, but that is not like an inner mental battle you described, just a co-existence of contraries as every human has it.

    I just want to add my personal experience here in order to let you know that being into “demonic” stuff has nothing to do with being possessed for real or being an evil Person! It is only my personal dark side as every human does have a dark side, no matter if he is religious or not.
    I personally think that being terrified by demons means that you are not accepting them as parts of your own mind, because even if demons existed, everyone only attracts what resonates/fits him, just as with other humans you attract or not. Psychologically spoken, so-called demons are often only the outcast parts of the consciousness that “attack” us from the subconsciousness, so then the solution for having peace of mind would not be to fight them, but to invite and accept them no matter how nasty they might look like first, because they make you whole (this is called shadowwork in English I think).

    OK I admit the imagination of the existence of real demons is more arousing than frightening to many People including myself. It`s not my fault that most religions don`t allow what turns me on…. 🙁

  4. I disagree with you about your dark side. Demons are very manipulative and want you to believe these thoughts are from you. That way you do not spiritual fight and they get to stay.

    I got a demon when I worked the Ouija Board. Before that time, I was a typical college student but very spiritually curious. My personality changed and I had suicidal thoughts. Once the demons left me-the demonic thoughts were gone and I had peace.

    Demons exist and you can get rid of yours. How do I know that you can get rid of the demons? You write a very coherent comment. That shows me that they have not totally saturated your mind with their thoughts. Do not permit them to get completely into your mind because that will cause insanity and suicide.

    Fight for your freedom. Try every method you can to get rid of the demons. Do not give up.

  5. Hey, I read all of this. Personally, I believe in demons and angels, but not as necessarily good or evil beings. I see them as kind of beings or entities that can influence our actions. What you described sounds like a “demon” of death has “possessed” you. I quote possessed because it doesn’t mean the demon literally controls you, it just influences you greatly. I don’t think anything is wrong with you, however, if you want a more social life, get in touch with yourself first. Figure out what you would want in life, then, confront your demon… and let them know they can stay but you the human is in control and there are boundaries the demon will not cross.

    Note: To actually speak with a Demon is draining and scary and you must be firm and absolute. Confidence is a must because they’re sly and always look for loopholes to agreements. Just remember, demons aren’t necessarily evil and angels aren’t necessarily good, they’re just being their self in the purest form.

  6. Hello, I wonder, where you acquired these ideas about angels and demons? Did you have personal experience or is it intellectual knowledge? I disagree with your concept that spirits are just being themselves in their purest form. Angels are good. Demons are very evil. I experienced having a demon and it was the entrance to hell–very evil to it’s core. Best regards. Connie

  7. These ideas stem from compiling all the information I have gathered so far, along with personal experience. Those ideas aid in making sense of the world we live in.
    I too have experienced a “demon”. The impulses, cravings and desires would be considered hellish for some people. It’s quite terrifying. But, I still looked at the positive sides to the whole thing.
    Do you mind elaborating just a little on what happened to you? I completely understand if you don’t want to.

  8. I have had so much demonic activity in my life and in the lives of my family members. I am astonished by how accurate your blog is and how closely everything I’ve experienced lines up with this. People don’t know how real this stuff is. Demons are very real (as is the spiritual realm) and this stuff can and does happen.

    Praise Jesus Christ and God be with you.

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