Casual Sex is an intoxicating and passionate act that leaves many people feeling elated. For those who believe in demons, the fear of being possessed by a demon after having sex with someone can be debilitating- why risk it?
I know that demons are real. There are actual ones out there. You don’t want to be the one to give them a chance by having sex with someone and then finding out later on down the line that you inherited a demon spawn.
All types of media-movies, television, books, and magazines use sex one way or the other. Sex sells and generates more money for advertisers. Most people do not believe in demons. Why worry? The truth is still the truth.
Demons can enter Through Body Fluids
For those of us who know demons exist, the whole aspect of sex is very different. Demons love sex either through the physical act of masturbation or casual sex. The seriousness with which humans treat this typically taboo subject is to never discuss or treat it like a joke.
These devils can quickly transfer from one person to another in sex, and this ability is profound. Ask yourself the following question about your casual sex partner: Who is the sexual partner? The more partners, the more chance of having a demon transfer. Casual sex is the worst because you don’t know the person or their family.
Demons Can Transfer Through Casual Sex-Latch onto Passionate Energy
Demons are parasitic beings. This means that they latch onto your energy and feed themselves off it. One of the most common ways for this is when someone has contact with a demon. This contact can come in many forms, such as touch or eye contact. The best way to avoid having someone’s demon latch on to you is to avoid contact with the person altogether.
Casual sex is when you do not know the partner. What is their history? How about their family history? The partner can be possessed. How would you know? Casual sex is dangerous for sexual diseases, and demons might be waiting to transfer to a new person.
It seems like people are wondering what you can do to prevent demons from transferring from one person to another. I know of nothing you can do, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. Here are some steps you can take to prevent demons from transferring from one person to another.
Do not look at pornographic material.
Do not have casual sex with a person you do not know. You don’t know him, his family, or his habits.
Carefully observe the partner and be sure that there are no demonic manifestations.
They have been known to use sexual activity as an entry point into people’s lives for centuries now, and the effects of this type of possession can vary from mild to severe, depending on how long it lasts. Demons usually will not leave unless forced by a stronger spiritual force.
They have been understood to make use of sexual activity as an entryway point into individuals’ lives for centuries currently as well as the results of this type of property last up until the end of the individual’s life. Devils generally will not leave unless forced by a more powerful spiritual force, but thankfully, there are methods by which you may fight such a the first being understanding.
How can you tell if you picked up a demon? Demons always show their true nature eventually. Thirty characteristics of demons and how they could affect you.
Short Summary of Beginning Demon Activity
- Awareness—Demons are like fatal diseases; the sooner they are found, the easier it is to eliminate them.
- Evil thoughts are thoughts never had before
- Nightmares- Demons do not permit the person to sleep peacefully.
- Fear- Never fear a demon because fear makes it more powerful.
Demons do not care what type of sex
Demons will take any type of sex- straight or gay. Sex in any form or activity. Although, there might be some protection in marriage between partners.
In conclusion, readers, I am being honest with you and want you to know the possibility of getting a demon from sex. Believe me or not, I only write what I have seen as an exorcist. This is just a warning to take care of your spiritual self.

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I know my story will sound crazy, this is actually happening to me every night when I go to bed,. First let me tell you a little about myself, I’m single, i considered myself a born again christian, I’m not in a sexual relation with anyone, I’ve tried to fight the need to release this sexual urge myself, I have not one but many sexual demons that mutually attack me sexually, I’m so disgusted with myself because allow this to happen, I’m constantly feeling sexual now, I’m able to hear the main one say things to me, sometimes I tell them to get out on the name of Jesus Christ, they don’t leave immediately, them also appear around me, in my face, in a black cloud, My sister in Christ tells me the enemy cannot take me because I’m a child of God, I get so depressed, because I know they will be back the following night, what’s really crazy is that they are across the street in an ofc bldg from where I live,so I can see 3 of them from morning till night, 24 hours, the main one, is in human form that strangely enough looks like a friend of mine, 2 others, look like wolves, I’ve had several friends see the main one, which I call the leader, I’ve asked for forgiveness many times but I don’t feel the Lord is with me, I’m trying so hard to hang on, I hear the main one many times, telling me to come to him, I know I brought this on myself, by not having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I understand the Lord forgives us, but realizing these are demons & mot feeling strong enough to resist because of feeling extremely charged, I just don’t know what to do to feel worthy & to believe I’m still a child of God, Please if you can help me, I would really appreciate it.
Hello, Be confident in your relationship with the Lord. Do not be fearful–try to control the fear as much as you can. I remember that at one time I slept with a knife on one side and a bible on the other. Read the bile scriptures at night. Find one or two that you that you need of memorize. Make sure the scriptures are the ones that powerfully speak to you. Mine is 2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us a spirit; but power an love and a sound mind.” Every time you feel attacked go into your scriptures and claim the blood of Jesus flowing though your spirit, soul and body.
Remember that you have control not the demons. The demons will try to convince you that you have no power. You do have your God given control and the power of God. This is a spiritual battle and can take some time. Mine lasted for about 4 years. Be in His peace, Connie
Refuse them by the Blood of CHRIST and rebuke them in faith in the might name of JESUS CHRIST