Common ways you Give Demons Access to Your Life
Demons are very real spiritual entities that seek to wreak havoc and destruction in the lives of unsuspecting individuals. Do you have a demon? If you’ve been experiencing unexplained occurrences, strange behaviors, or a pervasive sense of darkness, it’s possible that you’ve opened the door to demonic influence.
– Engaging in occult practices like Ouija boards, tarot cards, or séances
– Harboring unforgiveness, bitterness, or hatred towards others
– Participating in sexual immorality or the occult
Do Have a Demon? More symptoms
- Intense fear is the fight-or-flight response, which floods the body with adrenaline and cortisol in the face of perceived danger. While this response serves an evolutionary purpose, it can become maladaptive when the threat is not immediate or physical.
- Bizarre dreams, the terror of falling endlessly, the dread of being chased by menacing creatures, or the anguish of feeling physically harmed, these nightmares can feel all too real and overwhelm us with a sense of helplessness.
- Cutting of your body for blood– Cutting may provide a sense of control or release for some individuals, but it ultimately perpetuates a cycle of pain and self-destruction.
- Bizarre continuous thoughts— thoughts are often the product of an overactive or anxious mind and do not reflect one’s true desires or intentions. What’s crucial is recognizing them.
- Occult invitations-Channeling to contact the spirits
- attempting to communicate with dead loved ones
- suicidal thoughts: Suicidal thoughts may feel persistent and inescapable,
- Sexual abuse as a child-The trauma of sexual abuse as a child can have a devastating and long-lasting impact. Children have not yet accumulated the defenses and coping mechanisms necessary to overcome such a violation. The effects of childhood sexual abuse can persist well into adulthood, manifesting in a range of emotional, psychological, and behavioral issues.
- Social Isolation-Social isolation can be a complex and nuanced experience, even for those who previously thrived in social settings. While some may find that their friendships have become “boring and uneventful,” it’s important to approach this shift with empathy and self-awareness.
There is a fine line between mental illness and the demonic. It’s a delicate topic that requires careful consideration. While mental health conditions are medical, some believe there may be a spiritual component as well.
If you are struggling with your mental health and are on psychological medications, it’s important to assess whether those medications are truly working for you. If not, it’s possible that the root of your issues could be something more than just a chemical imbalance.
In these cases, you may need to explore the spiritual realm and know your enemy- 80 Faqs about demons. Casting out such entities from your soul could be the key to finding true healing and restoration.
However, this complex matter should be approached with wisdom and discernment. Seek guidance from trusted spiritual leaders and medical professionals to determine the best path forward for your unique situation. With the right support, you can find the freedom you seek.
Mental Illness or Demonic Possession: Recognizing the Fine Line
There is a fine line between mental illness and the demonic. The question always remains: do you have a demon? Do you have a mental illness? If you are on psychological medications, ask yourself if the meds are working for you. If not, then you might have a demon you need to cast out of your soul.
There is a fine line between mental illness and the demonic. It’s a delicate topic that requires careful consideration. While mental health conditions are medical, some believe there may be a spiritual component as well.
Are Psychological Medications Effective?
If you are struggling with your mental health and are on psychological medications, it’s important to assess whether those medications are truly working for you. If not, it’s possible that the root of your issues could be something more than just a chemical imbalance.
In these cases, you may need to explore the spiritual realm and consider the possibility of demonic influence. Casting out such entities from your soul could be the key to finding true healing and restoration.
However, this complex matter should be approached with wisdom and discernment. Seek guidance from trusted spiritual leaders and medical professionals to determine the best path forward for your unique situation. With the right support, you can find the freedom you seek.
Exorcism Definedby Wikipedia
The person who performs exorcisms. For the book, see The Exorcist (novel). For the film, see The Exorcist. For other uses, see Exorcist (disambiguation).
In some religions, an exorcist (from the Greek „ἐξορκιστής“) is a person who is believed to be able to cast out the devil or performs the ridding of demons or other supernatural beings who are alleged to have possessed a person, or (sometimes) a building or even an object. An exorcist can be a specially prepared or instructed person including: priest, a nun, a monk, a witch doctor (healer), a shaman, a psychic or a geomancer (Feng shui – Chinese geomancy).
Ignore and Resist the Scoffers
Seeking an exorcist may be the best way to address the demonic forces affecting your life. Don’t let others’ skepticism deter you from taking this important step. Your well-being and freedom are worth fighting for.
I understand this may seem like an unconventional or even unsettling solution, but sometimes, we must be open to exploring alternative paths when conventional methods have failed. Many cultures and traditions have acknowledged the presence of malicious spiritual forces throughout history.
An experienced exorcist has the specialized knowledge and spiritual tools to confront and dispel these dark energies that may be causing turmoil in your life. While exorcism may be met with skepticism or misunderstanding, it is rooted in ancient wisdom and has relieved countless individuals suffering from inexplicable afflictions.
Do not let others’ doubts discourage you from seeking the help you need. Your inner peace, mental clarity, and overall well-being are paramount, and you owe it to yourself to explore every viable avenue that could free you from this oppressive influence.
Find help to answer the question: Do you have a Demon?
Ultimately, the decision rests with you, but I urge you to approach this with an open mind and a determination to reclaim control over your life. An exorcist may possess the key to unlocking the shackles that have bound you, allowing you to finally experience the liberation and harmony you deserve. Have courage, and know that someone understands the gravity of your situation and stands ready to assist you on this journey toward healing and spiritual emancipation.
Do you have a demon? A reputable Christian exorcist if you do have a demon by permitting the demon to manifest. If there is no demon, then nothing will manifest. Face the exorcism with courage.
My experience as an Exorcist

As an exorcist for the past 12 years, I’ve had the privilege of ministering on a
Christian exorcism team and can relate to the skepticism and scoffing from family and friends. Most of my own family refused to even discuss the topic of demons with me, often dismissing me as “weird” or “goofy.”
Do you have a demon? A reputable Christian exorcist if you do have a demon by permitting the demon to manifest. If there is no demon, then nothing will manifest. Face the exorcism with courage.
However, I’ve stayed true to my core belief that demons must be cast out, or they will continue to torment individuals forever. While others may scoff, I’ve witnessed firsthand the power of exorcism and deliverance to free those oppressed by dark spiritual forces. It’s a difficult and often misunderstood calling that I’m deeply passionate about.
Through my experience, I’ve learned that spiritual warfare is very real, and ignoring the presence of demons only allows them to gain a stronger foothold. As an exorcist, I’ve seen lives transformed when people find the courage to confront the darkness and allow the light of Christ to prevail. It’s not an easy path, but I’m committed to walking, no matter the skepticism of those around me.

When I came across your site one day, I believed that God had answered my prayer. a lot of pastors teach that demons can not read minds. so i could not understand how i was able to think and hear someone or something in my mind at the same time! a voice that I knew was not my own. I am convinced that I have a demon that was never cast out. I was involved in a satnic cult that posed as a christian church, but they did not believe in deliverance, so I never was delivered. You talked about them being able to move the body or parts of the body i have experienced that. in fact, I have experienced just about eveything and more of what you described. Self deliverance is not working for me, although my hair recently started to grow back. I still have a lot of synchronity occurring everyday. random strangers seem to have the ability to read my mind because they relate back to me things that I was thinking. I seem to have ‘bad luck’ all day everyday. I have been searching for a deliverance minister for over 1 year now, now that I have decided to seek the Lord, i left the cult church and I am constantly under attack. I was exposed to the ouija board through a neighbor growing up. in fact, if i had to say, i believe a lot of my problems started after i went to that dark creepy house with that divorcee and her two creepy kids and their ouija board.
I struggle with thoughts of suicide. today was really bad. I met 2 satanist one in high school, who got me to read something in a language that I couldn’t understand. and another about 20 years ago that placed me in what she called the program. where can i get deliverance?? I feel that the Lord has been showing me through dreams and podcast and even your website that I have a demon. a lot of pastors do not beleive that a christian can have a demon. However, although i love the Lord with all my heart, i don’t beleive i am a christian because i was in that cult for so long. please respond as soon as you can
Hello, First of all, if you love the Lord and asked for His forgiveness-He will forgive you. He died so you can be forgiven. You are accepted as one of His children. Do not doubt that. You should try to find a established exorcist in you area and work with them. Some churches do offer deliverance. Self deliverance does work but you have to be patient and have endurance. I fought my demon for 4 years before I was delivered. Stay close to the bible and memorize scriptures that are powerful to you. When you hear a demonic thought replace that thought with scriptures. I think in my case, I had to learn spiritual battle when I was attacked by a demon. Once free I knew how to fight it so it could not return. That could be the same for you. Keep up the spiritual battle. Don’t give up. Also get a check up from a doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough to fight this demon. God bless you and keep you in His peace.
“I still have a lot of synchronity occurring everyday. random strangers seem to have the ability to read my mind because they relate back to me things that I was thinking. ”
I would say that when this happens, when a stranger relates what you are thinking, it is the demon that is influencing the stranger to speak that, unconsciously. That is my experience. Hope it helps
“I still have a lot of synchronity occurring everyday. random strangers seem to have the ability to read my mind because they relate back to me things that I was thinking. ”
I suspect that the language was Enochian. Could have meant anything. Pray to the Most High to forgive you.
I pray psalms. I’ve heard they’re not the most effective way to pray but that is what I do.
Psalm 51 for cleansing. Psalm 102 for the Most High to hear my prayer. Psalm 91 for protection. Psalm 130 for God to hear my prayers. It seems to work.
I am so grateful for finding your information today! I saw a black winged being in my home & the next day saw a dark shadow going up upstairs. From that point on, I felt this negative being attached to me. It also has attached to my daughter. It’s sucking the energy out of us & making us sick at times. I have been praying to God, Jesus, reading the Bible & doing everything in my power to get rid of it! I have demanded it leave, sent it love, sent it to light, sent it back to where it came from & absolutely nothing is working. I live in a small town, so there is nowhere to turn to, in person. Can you please offer some advice?
Kathy, You cannot order a demon to get out under your own power.You are going in the right direction by praying and reading your bible. Endurance is the key. How do you feel the spirit sucking the energy out of you? Has it tried to communicate with you? Every time you feel the demon command it to go to the pit of hell in Jesus name. Memorize the scriptures that are powerful to you and quote scripture either aloud or by thinking the scripture. My scripture was “For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. 2Timothy:1:7. Do not fear the demon-it only makes it stronger. Know that you are covered in the blood of Jesus and command it to go to the pit of hell in the name of Jesus Christ. Search your past-did you ever engage in any Occult activity like Ouija Board or tarot cards? If so you need to confess the activity and claim forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ. Anoint your house with oil “I anoint this room in the name of Jesus Christ and command the demon to go to the pit.. If you have a basement do the same to the basement. If you have any Christian friend to assist you, ask them if you trust them. How old is your daughter? Is she old enough to play with a Ouija Board? If she is old enough maybe she can assist you. Stay Strong. This takes patience. May God keep you in His peace,