Men might Like Their Secret Sex Demon

Demon’s Sex Trap

Have you ever heard of a sex demon? No? Well, most spiritual people don’t know about these creatures. They are invisible to the naked eye and can only communicate by those who summon this spirit.

Men’s secret sex demon can be a demon they like.  Of course, not all men have this demon, but some can spiritually fall into this demon sex trap. 

How do I know that some men have this demon?  I worked on men that came in for exorcism as the lead exorcist.  The men are ashamed of their sexual behavior with this demon. 

Eventually, the truth comes out.  The men must renounce this demon and tell it to leave in the name of Jesus.  They need never have contact with this demon again.  However, some men do not want to renounce because they sometimes like demons.

Men’s Secret Sex Demon Enters Through Pornography and Fantasizing.

A man’s secret sex demon can enter his mind through fantasizing about sex; a sex demon will continue to entice him until it can enter his mind.

Many men like pornography and will fantasize about a beautiful sex partner. 

The demon loves sex so that it can give many sexual sensations to men’s minds.  Sexual feelings will make him masturbate until his completion.  Of course, this is the spirit manipulating the man’s mind. The spirit gives the actual sensations of having sex.

What does the man receive from the demon? Sexual seduction, images of a beautiful partner, and a beautiful life with this secret sex demon. Of course, all that the man receives is a lie from hell. The demon’s purpose is the possession and ultimate suicide of the host.

Eventually, the demon deepens the possession process by controlling the man’s mind and body more. The men could be like the devil. There is a price to be paid for demon sex.

The secret sex demon gains control over the relationship between the man and his spouse or other human sex partners. The spirit keeps wanting his attention 24/7. There is no time for external relationships.

  1. The demon will not leave the man unless he finds a spiritual force more powerful than the demon.
  2. The evil spirit will confuse his mind giving him crazy sexual thoughts and sensations while at work or out with friends.
  3. The end result is a total disruption of his daily life.

Here is an example of a post received on another page of this website:

I had a succubus; I searched the prayer called “Removal of Sex Demons Possessions,” and it is
written in the instructions of the prayer, “If you still are watching porn, masturbating, or in a state of sexual sin/lust, NO sex demon(s) will leave you” Another site says that succubi and incubi are not affected by prayer at all, and are even attracted to the devout.

The succubus was kind to me; it’s NOT violent to my relatives or me; compared to other succubi, its wines and talks inside my mind in a cute tone of voice as it pleased me.

Sometimes I can feel like she’s touching my skin or even touching my lips when she’s kissing me, but I can not see her because she is a spirit, except when I see her for the 1st time in the form of a white lady. I am single, with no wife and no girlfriend.
When I 1st encountered her, I prayed to Our Father, but she quickly repeated the prayer itself, one proof that prayer does not affect succubi.

But, even though I am indeed a sinner, my spirit is strong enough to resist her, the reason why I NEVER let her have sex with me.

But being addicted to porn (and hentai), masturbating, and having the sin of lust
is the CURSE of a MAN. These are the curses why this succubus doesn’t want to leave me, even how hard I pray to God.

Do you guys think there is another way of getting rid of this succubus, rather than “quitting porn” and “saying that Anti-Sex Demon Prayer repeatedly”?

Answer:  You must renounce this demon and never have contact with it again.  Additionally, when you masturbate, you are having sex with a demon.  You must quit porn and stop masturbation.  There is more to an exorcism than just saying a prayer repeatedly.  It would help if you learned spiritual battle and self-exorcism

Generational Demons

Men could have generational demons hiding in the family line’s blood if the grandfather enjoyed pornography and other sexual behavior.

It’s easy not to realize that one has a demon living inside them, as it masquerades in the form of natural desires. The problem is when these demons are passed down from generation to generation, and each family member fails to recognize that they have a demon.

The man that is that family line will have the demon and not know it.  The men think that desire is just part of their personality.  Unfortunately, the hidden devil stays in the family line until it is cast out.

Get Spiritual Help

In conclusion, men must realize that their secret sex demons must leave forever.  An exorcist or self-exorcism will probably need to be done.  Men, you need to fight a spiritual battle and control your thoughts.  Men, stay spiritually safe. 

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  1. Hi. My boyfriend has been suffering with something attached to him for many years. It’s been very draining and straining on him. We’ve been together a year now and I’ve been with him through all of the oddities that happen. He definitely has some demon attached to him and he thinks something could be attached to me as well. This thing causes many issues of trust and is very deceptive in putting on almost “blinders” to any rational truth during certain times. He needs an exorcism at whatever cost. He needs something, he can’t live like this I don’t want this for him. Is there any way you can help us? or can suggest anyone who we could go to? I’m desperate I just want him ok. He may have already sent you a message as well. His name is Chris Bell. Please let me know anything that could be done. Thank you for your time

    • First, Chris has to want an exorcism. Is Chris a Christian? There might be a few local churches that do exorcism. You might try spiritual Freedom church (Bob Larson)to see if they have any ministries in your area.

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