The Ouija Board Has A Long and Crazy History
The Ouija board has long been a source of fascination and intrigue, captivating the imaginations of those seeking to commune with the supernatural. With its uncanny ability to spell out messages through the movement of the planchette, this mystical tool has been the subject of countless thrilling and chilling stories.
Popularized by Elisha Bond in 1891, the Ouija board has become a staple in the occult world. Mediums, spiritualists, and New Agers alike turn to its mysterious powers to connect with the spirit realm. Whether you refer to it as a “Spirit Board,” “Talking Board,” or “Angel Board,” the allure of the Ouija board is undeniable.
The board’s popularity continues to grow, as it offers an interactive and exciting experience, particularly for young thrill-seekers at slumber parties. While the messages it can deliver may be unpredictable and even frightening, the Ouija board remains a captivating and irresistible source of entertainment.
The Ouija board is often presented as a harmless game, available in game stores and on various web platforms, masking the underlying mysticism and potential for the unknown. But for those who dare delve into its secrets, the Ouija board promises a tantalizing glimpse into the supernatural realm.
Ouija Board Fact or Fiction?
The Ouija Board is real – the board that claims to summon “spirits” through an invitation for them to communicate. Placing one’s fingertips on the planchette invites supernatural forces to make their presence known.
For those who are spiritually sensitive, the Ouija Board can open a dangerous spiritual channel, allowing demonic entities to enter. These are not the benevolent spirits of the departed but rather evil forces that seek to deceive and possess. No matter the instructions on “safely” using the board, the risks are too significant for the spiritually vulnerable.
Personal Experience with the Spirit Board
I know this firsthand, as I once worked extensively with the Ouija Board. Even when operating it alone, I experienced a dark presence that forever changed my life, forcing me to admit that the “spirits” I was communicating with were, in fact, demons.
The Ouija Board is not a game but a portal to the occult that should be avoided at all costs. My experience opened my eyes to the grave dangers of dabbling in the occult. The Ouija Board may seem like an innocent game, but it is a gateway that allows malicious entities to infiltrate our world. These demons are cunning. It is a path that leads only to darkness and despair. They are deceptive, masquerading as benign spirits to lure unsuspecting individuals into their trap.
I learned the hard way that once you invite them, these dark spirits are real, and their sole purpose is to bring harm and destruction to humanity. Protect yourself and your loved ones by rejecting any involvement with the occult world; forces in, they do not easily let go. The torment and anguish I endured were beyond comprehension as the demons sought to break my mind and spirit. It was a battle for my very soul, and I was fortunate to escape their clutches. I implore you to heed my warning and steer clear of the Ouija Board and any other occult practices.
How the Demon Begins the Possession Process
When people place their fingertips on the planchette and begin to ask questions, they open a doorway to the supernatural. This act should not be taken lightly, for it can invite dark forces into our world. The spirits that respond may not always be benevolent – demons lurk in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to possess the vulnerable.
- As the planchett glides across the board, spelling out words and phrases, it becomes clear that a dark entity is making its presence known. The start of the possession process – a warning sign that something sinister is afoot. If these messages from the spirits are ignored or dismissed, the demonic forces can gain a stronger foothold, eventually taking complete control of the individual.
- The process of demonic possession often begins with subtle suggestions from the spirit world. A common tactic is for the spirit to communicate through automatic handwriting, using the host’s hand to write a message. Automatic Handwriting creates a sense of urgency and immediacy, as the spirit claims that communication would be faster this way. The possession can deepen once the host has allowed the spirit to take control of their hand. The spirit has now gained a physical foothold, using the host’s body as a conduit. From there, the demon can gradually assert greater control, eventually overwhelming the host’s will and consciousness.
- One of the first signs that a demon is attempting to possess an individual is when the spirit suggests that it can use the host’s voice to communicate. The demon employs this tactic to gain the trust and compliance of the victim, as the familiar voice can make the experience seem less threatening. However, we must be wary of such deceptive ploys. The demon intends to weaken the victim’s defenses and make them more susceptible to possession. Once it has established a foothold through the voice, the demon can gradually exert more control over the host’s mind and actions.
- Demons initiate their sinister takeover is through nightmarish visions – terrifying dreams of monstrous creatures relentlessly pursuing the unsuspecting victim.
- These nightmares serve as a harbinger of the demon’s evil intentions. The demon’s goal is to instill a deep, primal fear within the person, weakening their defenses and making them more susceptible to possession. As the nightmares persist and intensify, the demon slowly tightens its grip, seeking to destroy the person’s sense of safety and control.
- The key is that the host person finally realizes this spirit is not what it seems – it is a demon, not a benevolent entity. This realization sparks intense fear, which the demon then feeds upon. The more afraid the person becomes, the more power the demon gains over them. Fear creates a vicious cycle, with the possession becoming more profound and complete.
- Demonic behaviors may include speaking in unknown languages, displaying unexpected physical strength, or having knowledge of the person’s deepest secrets. In severe cases, the demon may even try to take complete control of the host’s body and actions. The only way to break this hold is through spiritual cleansing and surrendering to a higher power. But the first step is recognizing the truth of what has taken hold – that this is no ordinary spirit but a dark and dangerous force that an exorcist must confront.
- Demon could begin sexual abuse of host. They give the sensation of having sex and intensify the host’s desire, which can result in masturbation.
Demons Are Almost Impossible To Cast Out
These evil entities are masters of deception, expertly fooling and manipulating their unsuspecting victims. Once a spiritual channel opens – often through the use of an Ouija board or other occult practices – the demon gains access and can be nearly impossible to dislodge. The host is utterly helpless, their mind and body betraying them.
Ridding oneself of a demonic presence is no easy task. An exorcist requires immense time, grit, and an unwavering determination to cast out the intruder. Even then, the effects can linger for a lifetime. The spiritual scars left by such an experience never fully heal.
Demons are real, and their possession of the human form is a nightmare beyond imagining. Readers, stay spiritually safe.
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Could the Ouija board have been a necessary step in Regan’s possession? Perhaps. But then again, this demon is a deceiver. It pretends to Karras weaknesses and limits that it doesn’t actually have, in order to further its game. If it picked a little girl who never did anything wrong to possess, then it would be obvious that the cause of the misfortune came from outside – that “bad things happen to good people”. But by choosing a little girl who’s played with a spirit board, it plants the seed “maybe all this is happening to her because she brought it on herself” – that maybe bad things happen to us because we’re bad ourselves. Again, we’ve seen the demon capable of that kind of subtlety, so we have no way of knowing whether the Ouija board actually opened a door, or whether it simply wanted things to look that way. The demon wants us to believe we deserve the bad things that happen to us, but that doesn’t mean it’s the truth.
Hello, I agree that demon are definitely a deceiver. Demons are legalists. The girl gave an invitation to the demon to communicate with her. Demons do not care if you are young of old. They do not care if she was a good girl. Unfortunately, demons will possess whoever gives them an invitation. Be spiritually safe. Connie
It appears that you’re not aware that the film ‘The Exorcist’ was actually based on a true story. Therefore your question: ‘Could the Ouija board have been a necessary step in Regan’s possession?’ Is a moot point. There is no moral rhetoric, just a fictionalised retelling of the original story which concerned a little boy, rather than a girl.
Indeed the ouija board notwithstanding, the moral of the story behind The Exorcist, is a very good one: Do Not Use a Ouija Board. It absolutely beggars belief that these items are still considered games. Sold besides legitimate board games as Family Entertainment, as though they are as inocuous as Scrabble, et al
Hello, Yes, I know this movie is a true story But there is quite a few behaviors by Regan that could not be true. Some of the movie was not realistic concerning a real exorcism. Heads rotating? Man’s voice coming out of a little girl? Come on, this is not possible. I agree with you about the Ouija Board, it can be deadly.