Cast demons out of yourself is for non-Christians and is not a guarantee of self-exorcism. There is a possible chance to get free or weaken the demon’s control.
Cast Demons Out of Yourself- Fight for the Mind
Self-exorcism is an internal fight for control of thoughts in the mind of the host/person. This type of spiritual warfare has specific requirements:
- They must discern between their thoughts and the thoughts sent by demons.
- Capability to take care of himself/herself with nutritious food, get rest, and try to live as normally as possible.
How deep is the demonic possession?
Having a demon is similar to stopping a fatal disease. The earlier we discover the disease, the better chance of recovery. The deeper the possession, the longer it takes–it can take years. Like physical exercise, the body does not lose weight at one time or turn flab to muscle in just a few weeks of training—the same with the spiritual. Patience and endurance are requirements to win this spiritual battle. casting dmons out of yourself means that you do not quit, or the demon will win control of your life.
Evaluate the level of control You have over your body, mind, and emotions
- Do you usually think your thoughts without the demon interrupting your thought process?
- Can you perform your daily work (either in the workplace or at home)?
- Do you get a good night’s sleep at least a few nights a week without terrifying nightmares?
- Are you still able to enjoy lengthy communication with family and friends?
- Can you still have long-lasting peace of mind throughout the day and night?
If you can still do the functions above, the demon is relatively weak, and the possession level is in the beginning stages. There is a good chance that you ca cast demons out of yourself will be effective. Most relevant, self-exorcism is a process and can take some time. Don’t give up controlling your body and thoughts until the demon is cast out.
If you lose control, you cannot perform most of the functions above; self-exorcism will be more complex and time-consuming. Start with what you can control and build on that every day and night. Strengthening control is like body-building. Start with what you can do and add weight (power) as you strengthen.
Self–Exorcism is an exercise of control
- Control your mind-evaluate every thought-mine or demonic.
- Learn the difference between your thoughts and demon thoughts.
- Ignore the demonic thoughts as much as possible
- Do not fear the demon.
- Control your body
- Never allow any movement with your body by demons.
- Never allow the demon to move your head, arms, or legs.
- Control your speech
- Think before you speak.
- Control your reaction to nightmares.
- Never reflect on a nightmare with fear.
- Control negative emotions
Suggestions On How to Exercise Control
The demon will use negative emotions to try to weaken your confidence. Do self-talk to rid yourself of negative emotions. Replace wicked thoughts with positive thoughts, and encourage Christians to memorize scriptures. Keep active and force yourself to enjoy life. Take time with family and friends, pet your dog or cat, and eat regular meals. Practice every day until staying active in your life activities is easy.

You should be able to sense when the demon is getting weaker. Fewer chaotic thoughts and nightmares are lessening; more peace of mind exists. Attempt to cast out the demon. Just tell it to GET OUT.
The demon may or may not leave. Demons usually go through coughing, deep breaths, or shaking of the body. The constant peace of mind confirms that the devil is cast out. The demon will test you to ensure you are still strong enough to keep it from re-entering your body. The tests are periodic throughout life.
Self-exorcism is similar to self-deliverance for a Christian. Although there is the original grace of God that all people have, the person does not have the power of God. The person will be spiritually weaker without reliance on God’s power.
This article has discussed how to properly perform exorcisms for various purposes. We must treat these rituals with care and respect and never take self-exorcism lightly. These methods will help us cast demons out of yourself and eliminate evil spirits.
In conclusion, know that demons only get stronger by giving them attention. Ignore the evil spirits as much as possible. Fear always makes demons stronger–control your anxiety. Know that your body and mind are yours by right, and a demon is a thief and intruder. Be strong.
Please note that you can only cast demons out of yourself. Attempting to cast demons out of other people is dangerous. Their demon could enter you. The person must do their spiritual battle. Do not attempt to have friends or other people help you, especially if they are not Christians. The demon could enter them. The fight belongs to the possessed person.
Self-exorcism and self-deliverance for Christians and non-Christians are undeveloped subjects for most deliverance ministers. Many deliverance ministers do not believe most people can cast demons out of themselves. I’m afraid I have to disagree. If you have a degree of control, there is hope that you can be free. How do I know this? I could do a self-deliverance on myself, BUT at this time, I was a Christian and used prayer and scriptures to strengthen me. Most noteworthy, this method of self-exorcism can, at the very least, help control the demon from interrupting your daily life, and you might be able to get rid of it.
Readers, stay spiritually safe.

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Hi Connie, Many thanks for all you doing and your articles. A important question to ask you please.
Can a demon cause Erectile Dysfunction for a man? Resulting in problems with having intercourse with there spouse. What is the open door and how does one address this problem in order to have correct intercourse again with ones spouse? I know of many men having problems with ED. Is there a spiritual connection? Looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely with thanks, Jimmy
Hello, I have not heard of this problem but it could be possible. First, a doctor must be consulted to verify the problem is not physical. If the problem is not physical, then it is time to begin spiritual warfare. Please read my page on self-exorcism and deliverance. Also go to an male exorcist if you know of one so he can talk to the person at a greater length to determine if an exorcism is necessary. Connie
I have a demon that feel moving around in my body. I can feel it making pain in my lower oragans and it moves up to my chest and throat. I have felt it try to go up to my head. I was not reading the word and I was not praying. I started watching movies again and masturbating. I eventually fell into sexual immorality again and starting watching pornography after taking a stand and promising the Master Yeshua Ha’Mashiach that I would stop. I have only gotten worse and I feel unable to work. I try telling people and some have tried helping me, but know one has spiritual discernment or any knowledge of how to cast this thing out of me. I have recently tried using pattern prayers by deliverance ministries and Dereck Princes book they shall expel demons. I was terrorized by many spirits all attacking me at once in 2019. The only thing people did was pray. They don’t know how to call the spirit out to manifest. We don’t know what their names are and people are telling me I have to cast them out myself. They say I can do it just by reading the bible. I was under the impression that Yeshua has to be the one through someone to be willing to cast out a spirit. The person has to be full of the Holy Ghost. I don’t know if Yahshua is willing, but I have been trying to seek Him again after realizing I was not doin what I should have been.
Please read my post on self exorcism-it goes into detail on how to get the demon out. It takes patience and endurance to make the demon weaker. You might also try to get an exorcism until you find the right church. Stay away from other religions keep your mind on Jesus Christ. Do not fear the demon-it only makes it stronger. Don’t masturbate and stop the drugs-you need to do both before the demon will leave. Drugs create more spiritual channels for demons to get in. Go to rehab is that is what it takes.